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Vampirism and Literature

Human mind has always been intrigued by the mysteries that lie beyond all shades of black. This infatuation has led him to believe in existence of beings that surpass reality and fence into pure imagination giving rise to folklore’s that we know of today. And such is our obsession with doom that somehow we believe […]


Imagine it is the 25th of December. You have sent out Christmas greetings in traditional Christmas cards to your loved ones and also sent a nice, warm message on your WhatsApp groups. The ring of ‘Merry Christmas’ is in the air filling your ears. You smell Christmas cookies and recall the taste of the Christmas […]

Justice for Atul Subhash: A heart-wrenching plea for help

Discover the heart-wrenching story of Atul Subhash, a man failed by a broken system, whose tragic death calls for urgent justice reform. A poignant plea for accountability and systemic change to prevent more lives from being lost in the pursuit of justice. This captures the emotional weight of the story while focusing on the call for […]

Why misplaced patriotism and eagerness for war needs to be curbed

Social Media has always been full of keyboard warriors spewing ignorant comments about topics they don’t fully fathom. And one such topic from the recent days which a lot of people hold dear while posting their erroneous judgements about, is war. And how beneficial war will be because it will “teach those Pakistanis a lesson” […]

Aristotle’s Lullaby

What if you could punch your brains from the insideA swinging logical uppercutRight under the amygdala.Such that, that the very foundations of those fluids shiver and die.A single punchRight from an Aristotle’s lullaby Oh you’d sleep like a baby thenAs mind curls without an iota of distortionAnd harmony prevails like a stillborn cloud of fog.No […]

Rejection as Misrecognition

Rejection in love and the way men tend to take it has often and quite rightly been seen as the manifestation of a form of male privilege. But rejection in the matters of the heart is something that all of us across genders do resent. It would be safe to argue then that there is […]

Review of Hooligans of Kandahar by Joseph Kassabianf

This is the memoir of a US army corporal (who later gets demoted to specialist) and his deployment in Afghanistan with his squad nicknamed The Hooligans’. Living up to their name this notorious squad did plenty of outrageous things ranging from mostly harmless stuff like stealing another squad’s air conditioner to the potentially fatal firing […]

To Kill a Mockingbird

The spectrum of human behavior is vast and wide. While a part of the mob understands the extensiveness of it, most of us tend to turn a blind eye to what seems “abnormal” to us. Ironically, the subjectiveness of ‘normality’ in itself is an abstract. Dealing with such colourful personalities requires one to be equipped […]

Fearless by Eric Blehm

Drugs, seems like a cool idea isn’t it. No matter how much we are all warned against even trying them, it has got ambassadors of its own. Steve Jobs famously asked students at Harvard if they smoked pot as if it was nothing unusual and completely ordinary. Founders of google looked for their CEO at […]

Interview: Knowing Kumar Milan

We had the chance to interview Kumar Milan who’s a budding published author over email and whatsapp. And had his book published in June 2015 by Author’s Ink India “Things End But Memories Last Forever” while he was still pursuing his Degree. This interview was conducted nearly a year back and we’re only releasing […]