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Rhapsodies Chapter 1

The Sunday sky was hung with heavy rain filled clouds and Café de Art with people who wanted to read and listen to poetry. Verse of Silence had brought these ardent lovers of poetry through Rhapsodies Chapter 1. Café de Art had quite a secular vibe to it with paintings symbolizing different religions lined across […]

Interview: Knowing Kumar Milan

We had the chance to interview Kumar Milan who’s a budding published author over email and whatsapp. And had his book published in June 2015 by Author’s Ink India “Things End But Memories Last Forever” while he was still pursuing his Degree. This interview was conducted nearly a year back and we’re only releasing […]

Safarnama – Cultural walk through Purana Qila

Upon usual and aimless, perfunctory scrolls through my Facebook feed, I stumbled upon a page called Safarnama. They were planning a walk in the Purana Qila. Motive of this walk was to re-visit the history of Purana Qila and to discuss Mahabharata through the eyes of Draupadi. Safarnama was started by History graduates, Anna Menon and Aakriti Suresh. […]

Uncivilised Daughters : A Play by Abhivyakti

As much enthusing, ego-boosting it was to hear the name Wordbred being announced on the stage, it is only fair for us to, in our best capacity, put up a comprehensive review of this play, called ‘Uncivilized Daughters’. Organized and enacted by Abhivyakti (cast and crew as stated at the end), the theatre society of […]