The Latin phrase, in media res, meaning ‘in the middle of the things’ describes the technique by which story writers begin their tale in the middle of an action. It’s an age-old trick to get the reader involved immediately in the action of the story. However the real task then is to keep the reader continually […]
The Watchman by Mrinal Rajaram
Like many stories, this too starts with a floral focus- “not a leaf stirs”. And from then on the story starts to become still. Damodaran, the protagonist, is like our everyday society security guard to whom we only pay heed when he gives a half hearted salute. Just that way, Damodar is trained to […]
Safarnama – Cultural walk through Purana Qila
Upon usual and aimless, perfunctory scrolls through my Facebook feed, I stumbled upon a page called Safarnama. They were planning a walk in the Purana Qila. Motive of this walk was to re-visit the history of Purana Qila and to discuss Mahabharata through the eyes of Draupadi. Safarnama was started by History graduates, Anna Menon […]
Curfewed Night- A Memoir of Life, Love and War
Stories; some inspire, some scare, some move; all of them are a literary version of life. And then there are some so painfully honest that our feeble conscience, in its conveniently sheltered milieu, would rather choose to live in denial. Basharat Peer’s Curfewed Night is one such extraordinary memoir of growing up in the trouble-torn […]
Suntag ™ – a portmanteau of the words Sun and Freytag – has been consciously chosen as the new logo to represent Wordbred. There can be made two interpretations as to the relevance of the logo, which shall be termed The Book and The Reader. INTERPRETATION 1 : THE BOOK A key component to understand […]