A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

When a Prequel Does its Best- A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Potential spoilers. You have been warned. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is set sixty-five years before the original trilogy, during the tenth Hunger Games, and centers around everyone’s least favourite president (okay, maybe second least favourite). This is the story of President […]

Aristotle’s Lullaby

What if you could punch your brains from the insideA swinging logical uppercutRight under the amygdala.Such that, that the very foundations of those fluids shiver and die.A single punchRight from an Aristotle’s lullaby Oh you’d sleep like a baby thenAs mind curls without an iota of distortionAnd harmony prevails like a stillborn cloud of fog.No […]

Wynonna Earp: Ridiculous, Fun And The Perfect Palate Cleanser

Not many people know about the cult classic series, Wynonna Earp. However, those interested in strong female characters, a barrage of supernatural with a splash of ridiculous, and some excellent action-based horror-studded drama, will find this the perfect show to sink their teeth into. We don’t have too many shows that bring ‘cowboy culture’ into the […]

The Runaway Jury | Review

John Grisham has a reputation of either nailing a story right until to subterranean levels or simply falter in the roots and make a hash of things throughout. The Runaway Jury initially seemed to fall amongst the latter category. However, the book got a revival midway and the end was a signature Grisham visceral denouement […]

Almost unbuttoning at an Irani Cafe

When the Parsis first came from Kerman and other parts of Iran, they promised to dissolve into the already (and even then) bursting the seams of the city’s populace like sugar in a glass of milk – without overflowing. The Parsi amicability and generosity of spirit reflects even in a cup of Irani Tea which […]

Rejection as Misrecognition

Rejection in love and the way men tend to take it has often and quite rightly been seen as the manifestation of a form of male privilege. But rejection in the matters of the heart is something that all of us across genders do resent. It would be safe to argue then that there is […]

The Real Life Inspirations For Game Of Thrones

The final season of Game Of Thrones is coming. And with it comes the end of an era. The end of what is, in my opinion, the greatest show on television. And so, in order to be less bereft, I did a little research. While doing this research I found that the universe that I […]