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The Real Life Inspirations For Game Of Thrones

The final season of Game Of Thrones is coming. And with it comes the end of an era. The end of what is, in my opinion, the greatest show on television. And so, in order to be less bereft, I did a little research. While doing this research I found that the universe that I […]

Review of Hooligans of Kandahar by Joseph Kassabianf

This is the memoir of a US army corporal (who later gets demoted to specialist) and his deployment in Afghanistan with his squad nicknamed The Hooligans’. Living up to their name this notorious squad did plenty of outrageous things ranging from mostly harmless stuff like stealing another squad’s air conditioner to the potentially fatal firing […]

Ghoul : Review

Set in a dystopian society where government closely regulates everything, education controlled to a point where anything apart from the state provided syllabus amounts to being charged with sedition. Ghoul is mini-series consisting of three episodes totaling a total of 2 hours 16 minutes, is a brilliantly well shot series that maintains a dark and […]

Safarnama – Cultural walk through Purana Qila

Upon usual and aimless, perfunctory scrolls through my Facebook feed, I stumbled upon a page called Safarnama. They were planning a walk in the Purana Qila. Motive of this walk was to re-visit the history of Purana Qila and to discuss Mahabharata through the eyes of Draupadi. Safarnama was started by History graduates, Anna Menon and Aakriti Suresh. […]